Gifting MTB Skills

Certificate of Promise

Although we don't give out gift vouchers, we do have a Certificate Of Promise you can use in lieu of a gift voucher. This is simply a visual way for you to be able to present something as a gift to your friend, acquaintance or family member that you haven't yet purchased.
You can download the A4 sized certificate in PDF format below.

Download for FREE

As there have been no financial arrangements or payments, full or otherwise, made to Momentum Is Your Friend, neither have there been any bookings made with Momentum Is Your Friend, presenting someone with a certificate of promise costs you nothing at all. You only pay when you are ready to go book in the session or class for the recipient. Alternatively, you could just hand them the cash or bank deposit the value for the session or class and let them go do all the booking in themselves. It's all your choice.

Download file: Certificate of Promise PDF
(Click this link to download)

Full Instructions Included

The certificate is an A4 PDF document for you to print off, fill in and give to the recipient. As you can see below in the sample image, the top half of the A4 is the certificate itself, and the lower half is for the recipient to read to understand what the certificate is, how to use it and terms & conditions etc.

No Commitment to Momentum Is Your Friend

As this is simply a visual way for you to present a gift you have yet to purchase to a recipient, neither you or the recipient are making any sort of commitment (promise or financial) to Momentum Is Your Friend. It's all between yourself and your intended recipient. Momentum Is Your Friend is likewise not committed or in any responsible until either yourself or the recipient creates a booking with us through our website. 

Here's how it looks


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Feb 01